American LaFrance, LLC Company Information


American LaFrance, LLC is located in NY. American LaFrance, LLC mainly operate in the Miscellaneous Retail industry. Currently they have estimated 580 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social
size company icon Size:

580 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
399 Pleasant Ave, NY 14075
phone icon Phone Number:
+1 (716) 649-xxxx
+1 (843) 486-xxxx
industry icon Industry:

Miscellaneous Retail

Employees at American LaFrance, LLC

Showing 9 of 348
Vice President Aftermarket
Macon, Georgia VIEW PROFILE
Portland, Oregon VIEW PROFILE
Lead Engineer-Accessories and Mechanisms
Roanoke, Texas VIEW PROFILE
Region Manager Dealer Development Manager
Northeast Regional Sales Manager +1 (716) 649-xxxx Hamburg, New York VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Of Sales +1 (843) 408-xxxx Cleveland, North Carolina VIEW PROFILE
Finance Director
Charleston, South Carolina VIEW PROFILE
Plant Controller
Johns Island, South Carolina VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Of After-Market +1 (830) 626-xxxx Los Angeles, California VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Aftermarket
Macon, Georgia
Portland, Oregon
Lead Engineer-Accessories and Mechanisms
Roanoke, Texas
Region Manager Dealer Development Manager
Logan, Utah
Northeast Regional Sales Manager
Hamburg, New York
Vice President Of Sales
Cleveland, North Carolina
Finance Director
Charleston, South Carolina
Plant Controller
Johns Island, South Carolina
Vice President Of After-Market
Los Angeles, California

American LaFrance, LLC's Email Format

We found 7 email formats used by American LaFrance, LLC employees. The most common American LaFrance, LLC email format is first last ex.( being used 65% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About American LaFrance, LLC

What is American LaFrance, LLC's website address?

American LaFrance, LLC's website address is

What is American LaFrance, LLC's phone number?

American LaFrance, LLC's phone number is +1 (716) 649-xxxx

How many email formats does American LaFrance, LLC use?

American LaFrance, LLC uses 7 email formats

How many employees work at American LaFrance, LLC?

Approximately 580 employees work at American LaFrance, LLC

Where is American LaFrance, LLC located?

American LaFrance, LLC is located in 399 Pleasant Ave, NY 14075