Armstrong Ceilings Company Information


Armstrong Ceilings is located in CA. Armstrong Ceilings mainly operate in the Building Material and Garden Equipment and Supplies Dealers industry. Currently they have estimated 6,060 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

6,060 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
2531 State St, CA 92008
phone icon Phone Number:
+1 (717) 397-xxxx
industry icon Industry:

Building Material and Garden Equipment and Supplies Dealers

Employees at Armstrong Ceilings

Showing 8 of 1202
General Manager, Business Development +1 (407) 656-xxxx York, Pennsylvania VIEW PROFILE
Gm Worldwide New Product Innovation, Abp +1 (717) 397-xxxx Becker, Florida VIEW PROFILE
Vice President, Ecmo, and Cio
Madison, Wisconsin VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Global Human Resources
Lancaster, Pennsylvania VIEW PROFILE
Six Sigma Black Belt
Lancaster, Pennsylvania VIEW PROFILE
Interim Vice President Of Operations, Abp Europe +1 (717) 397-xxxx Memphis, Tennessee VIEW PROFILE
Employee +1 (401) 765-xxxx Batesville, Indiana VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Product Management Laminate, Armstrong Flooring Products
Boston, Massachusetts VIEW PROFILE
General Manager, Business Development
York, Pennsylvania
Gm Worldwide New Product Innovation, Abp
Becker, Florida
Vice President, Ecmo, and Cio
Madison, Wisconsin
Vice President Global Human Resources
Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Six Sigma Black Belt
Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Interim Vice President Of Operations, Abp Europe
Memphis, Tennessee
Batesville, Indiana
Vice President Product Management Laminate, Armstrong Flooring Products
Boston, Massachusetts

Armstrong Ceilings' Email Format

We found 9 email formats used by Armstrong Ceilings employees. The most common Armstrong Ceilings email format is first_initial last ex.( being used 52% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About Armstrong Ceilings

What is Armstrong Ceilings's website address?

Armstrong Ceilings's website address is

What is Armstrong Ceilings's phone number?

Armstrong Ceilings's phone number is +1 (717) 397-xxxx

How many email formats does Armstrong Ceilings use?

Armstrong Ceilings uses 9 email formats

How many employees work at Armstrong Ceilings?

Approximately 6,060 employees work at Armstrong Ceilings

Where is Armstrong Ceilings located?

Armstrong Ceilings is located in 2531 State St, CA 92008