Bell Helicopter Corporation Company Information


Bell Helicopter Corporation is located in NM. Bell Helicopter Corporation mainly operate in the Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing industry. Currently they have estimated 680 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

680 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
4047 PO Box, NM 88311
phone icon Phone Number:
1-859 344-xxxx
+1 (817) 280-xxxx
+1 (423) 538-xxxx
+1 (817) 280-xxxx
+1 (423) 538-xxxx
industry icon Industry:

Aerospace Product and Parts Manufacturing

Employees at Bell Helicopter Corporation

Showing 9 of 292
Flight Technology Acoustics-Engineering Specialist
Haslet, Texas VIEW PROFILE
Atlanta, Georgia VIEW PROFILE
Executive Vice President Sales and Marketing
Wichita, Kansas VIEW PROFILE
Flight Test Engineer
Dallas, Texas VIEW PROFILE
Director, Corporate Affairs
Montreal, Quebec VIEW PROFILE
Vice President - Contracts
Fort Worth, Texas VIEW PROFILE
Director Business Optimization +1 (248) 589-xxxx Fort Worth, Texas VIEW PROFILE
Vice President, Systems Engineering, Flight Safety and Certification +1 (781) 238-xxxx Downey, California VIEW PROFILE
Vh-71 Presidential Helicopter Program
Baltimore, Maryland VIEW PROFILE
Flight Technology Acoustics-Engineering Specialist
Haslet, Texas
Atlanta, Georgia
Executive Vice President Sales and Marketing
Wichita, Kansas
Flight Test Engineer
Dallas, Texas
Director, Corporate Affairs
Montreal, Quebec
Vice President - Contracts
Fort Worth, Texas
Director Business Optimization
Fort Worth, Texas
Vice President, Systems Engineering, Flight Safety and Certification
Downey, California
Vh-71 Presidential Helicopter Program
Baltimore, Maryland

Frequently Asked Questions About Bell Helicopter Corporation

What is Bell Helicopter Corporation's website address?

Bell Helicopter Corporation's website address is

What is Bell Helicopter Corporation's phone number?

Bell Helicopter Corporation's phone number is 1-859 344-xxxx

How many employees work at Bell Helicopter Corporation?

Approximately 680 employees work at Bell Helicopter Corporation

Where is Bell Helicopter Corporation located?

Bell Helicopter Corporation is located in 4047 PO Box, NM 88311