Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Company Information


Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is located in WA. Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation mainly operate in the Social Services, Nec industry. Currently they have estimated 2,730 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

2,730 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
500 5th N Ave, WA 98109
phone icon Phone Number:
(206) 709-xxxx
+1 (206) 709-xxxx
industry icon Industry:

Social Services, Nec

Employees at Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Showing 10 of 2350
Seattle, Washington VIEW PROFILE
Technology Advisor
San Francisco, California VIEW PROFILE
Senior Consultant-Project Manager
Seattle, Washington VIEW PROFILE
Senior Program Officer, Life Sciences Partnerships-Developing Country Manufacturers
Alachua, Florida VIEW PROFILE
Program Manager
Seattle, Washington VIEW PROFILE
Senior Advisor In Vaccinology
San Francisco, California VIEW PROFILE
Senior Manager, Protective Operations, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Seattle, Washington VIEW PROFILE
Global Development Policy and Advocacy Staff
Costa Mesa, California VIEW PROFILE
St-Louis, Saint-Louis VIEW PROFILE
Senior Program Assistant, Global Development
Didier, Pennsylvania VIEW PROFILE
Seattle, Washington
Technology Advisor
San Francisco, California
Senior Consultant-Project Manager
Seattle, Washington
Senior Program Officer, Life Sciences Partnerships-Developing Country Manufacturers
Alachua, Florida
Program Manager
Seattle, Washington
Senior Advisor In Vaccinology
San Francisco, California
Senior Manager, Protective Operations, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Seattle, Washington
Global Development Policy and Advocacy Staff
Costa Mesa, California
St-Louis, Saint-Louis
Senior Program Assistant, Global Development
Didier, Pennsylvania

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation's Email Format

We found 4 email formats used by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation employees. The most common Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation email format is first.last ex.( being used 89% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

What is Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation's website address?

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation's website address is

What is Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation's phone number?

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation's phone number is (206) 709-xxxx

How many email formats does Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation use?

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation uses 4 email formats

How many employees work at Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation?

Approximately 2,730 employees work at Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Where is Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation located?

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is located in 500 5th N Ave, WA 98109