CIMA LABS, INC. Company Information


CIMA LABS, INC. is located in MN. CIMA LABS, INC. mainly operate in the Commercial Physical Research industry. Currently they have estimated 460 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

460 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
7325 Aspen N Ln, MN 55428
phone icon Phone Number:
+1 (763) 488-xxxx
industry icon Industry:

Commercial Physical Research

Employees at CIMA LABS, INC.

Showing 9 of 216
Senior Research Scientist
Minneapolis, Minnesota VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Of Marketing
Minneapolis, Minnesota VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Quality
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Of Operations
Minneapolis, Minnesota VIEW PROFILE
Vice President, Drug Delivery Technologies
Minneapolis, Minnesota VIEW PROFILE
Product Compliance Manager +1 (952) 947-xxxx Chastain, Georgia VIEW PROFILE
Associate Research Chemist Research and Development
Plath, Sachsen VIEW PROFILE
Administrative Services Manager
Minneapolis, Minnesota VIEW PROFILE
Quality Chemist +1 (763) 494-xxxx Minneapolis, Minnesota VIEW PROFILE
Senior Research Scientist
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Vice President Of Marketing
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Vice President Quality
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Vice President Of Operations
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Vice President, Drug Delivery Technologies
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Product Compliance Manager
Chastain, Georgia
Associate Research Chemist Research and Development
Plath, Sachsen
Administrative Services Manager
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Quality Chemist
Minneapolis, Minnesota

CIMA LABS, INC.'s Email Format

We found 6 email formats used by CIMA LABS, INC. employees. The most common CIMA LABS, INC. email format is first.last ex.( being used 75% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About CIMA LABS, INC.

What is CIMA LABS, INC.'s website address?

CIMA LABS, INC.'s website address is

What is CIMA LABS, INC.'s phone number?

CIMA LABS, INC.'s phone number is +1 (763) 488-xxxx

How many email formats does CIMA LABS, INC. use?

CIMA LABS, INC. uses 6 email formats

How many employees work at CIMA LABS, INC.?

Approximately 460 employees work at CIMA LABS, INC.

Where is CIMA LABS, INC. located?

CIMA LABS, INC. is located in 7325 Aspen N Ln, MN 55428