DecalGirl Company Information


DecalGirl is located in DE. DecalGirl mainly operate in the Publishing Industries (except Internet) industry. Currently they have estimated 20 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

20 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
25448 Primehook Rd Ste 400, DE 19968
phone icon Phone Number:
+1 (302) 212-xxxx
+1 (302) 360-xxxx
+1 (302) 258-xxxx
+1 (302) 644-xxxx
+1 (302) 360-xxxx
1-302 644-xxxx
industry icon Industry:

Publishing Industries (except Internet)

Employees at DecalGirl

Showing 7 of 8
Channel Advisor +1 (302) 360-xxxx Rowland, Missouri VIEW PROFILE
Peters, Michigan VIEW PROFILE
Makeup Artist At Up Do's For I Do's
Linthicum Heights, Maryland VIEW PROFILE
Director Of Promotional Sales and Marketing
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania VIEW PROFILE
Director Of Promotional Sales and Marketing
Martin, Tennessee VIEW PROFILE
Printer, Production Staff, Personal Assistant
Millsboro, Delaware VIEW PROFILE
Ceo and Co-Founder
Peters, Michigan VIEW PROFILE
Channel Advisor
Rowland, Missouri
Peters, Michigan
Makeup Artist At Up Do's For I Do's
Linthicum Heights, Maryland
Director Of Promotional Sales and Marketing
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Director Of Promotional Sales and Marketing
Martin, Tennessee
Printer, Production Staff, Personal Assistant
Millsboro, Delaware
Ceo and Co-Founder
Peters, Michigan

DecalGirl's Email Format

We found 4 email formats used by DecalGirl employees. The most common DecalGirl email format is first ex.( being used 67% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About DecalGirl

What is DecalGirl's website address?

DecalGirl's website address is

What is DecalGirl's phone number?

DecalGirl's phone number is +1 (302) 212-xxxx

How many email formats does DecalGirl use?

DecalGirl uses 4 email formats

How many employees work at DecalGirl?

Approximately 20 employees work at DecalGirl

Where is DecalGirl located?

DecalGirl is located in 25448 Primehook Rd Ste 400, DE 19968