DeKalb Medical Company Information


DeKalb Medical is located in GA. DeKalb Medical mainly operate in the Health Services industry. Currently they have estimated 2,260 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

2,260 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
2701 N Decatur Rd, GA 30033
phone icon Phone Number:
1-404 501-xxxx
+1 (404) 501-xxxx
+1 (404) 501-xxxx
industry icon Industry:

Health Services

Employees at DeKalb Medical

Showing 9 of 1980
Webmaster and Internet Project Manager
Atlanta, Georgia VIEW PROFILE
Atlanta, Georgia VIEW PROFILE
Executive Vice President and Cfo
Decatur, Georgia VIEW PROFILE
Neill, Oklahoma VIEW PROFILE
Hospital Medicine Physician, Physician Advisor
High Point, North Carolina VIEW PROFILE
Vice President and Cco
Anderson, Indiana VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Marketing, Communications and Corporate Health +1 (404) 501-xxxx Lithonia, Georgia VIEW PROFILE
Vice President / Cio +1 (901) 516-xxxx Davis, California VIEW PROFILE
Financial Analysis
Orleans, Vermont VIEW PROFILE
Webmaster and Internet Project Manager
Atlanta, Georgia
Atlanta, Georgia
Executive Vice President and Cfo
Decatur, Georgia
Neill, Oklahoma
Hospital Medicine Physician, Physician Advisor
High Point, North Carolina
Vice President and Cco
Anderson, Indiana
Vice President Marketing, Communications and Corporate Health
Lithonia, Georgia
Vice President / Cio
Davis, California
Financial Analysis
Orleans, Vermont

DeKalb Medical's Email Format

We found 3 email formats used by DeKalb Medical employees. The most common DeKalb Medical email format is first.last ex.( being used 92% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About DeKalb Medical

What is DeKalb Medical's website address?

DeKalb Medical's website address is

What is DeKalb Medical's phone number?

DeKalb Medical's phone number is 1-404 501-xxxx

How many email formats does DeKalb Medical use?

DeKalb Medical uses 3 email formats

How many employees work at DeKalb Medical?

Approximately 2,260 employees work at DeKalb Medical

Where is DeKalb Medical located?

DeKalb Medical is located in 2701 N Decatur Rd, GA 30033