Detroit Metro Convention & Visitors Bureau Company Information


Detroit Metro Convention & Visitors Bureau is located in MI. Detroit Metro Convention & Visitors Bureau mainly operate in the General Government, Not Elsewhere Classified industry. Currently they have estimated 320 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

320 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
211 W Fort St, MI 48226
phone icon Phone Number:
(313) 202-xxxx
+1 (313) 202-xxxx
+1 (313) 202-xxxx
+1 (338) 7648
+1 (800) 338-xxxx
industry icon Industry:

General Government, Not Elsewhere Classified

Employees at Detroit Metro Convention & Visitors Bureau

Showing 8 of 133
Public Relations Associate
Spica, Kansas VIEW PROFILE
Detroit Sports Commission Intern
Employee +1 (858) 450-xxxx Wilmington, North Carolina VIEW PROFILE
Senior Vice President, Sales and Marketing
Detroit, Michigan VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Finance and Administration
Coulter, Tennessee VIEW PROFILE
Media Relations Manager
Detroit, Michigan VIEW PROFILE
Detroit, Michigan VIEW PROFILE
Event and Project Planner, Detroit Local Organizing Committee, 2015 Asae Annual Meeting and Expositi
Detroit, Michigan VIEW PROFILE
Public Relations Associate
Spica, Kansas
Detroit Sports Commission Intern
Wilmington, North Carolina
Senior Vice President, Sales and Marketing
Detroit, Michigan
Vice President Finance and Administration
Coulter, Tennessee
Media Relations Manager
Detroit, Michigan
Detroit, Michigan
Event and Project Planner, Detroit Local Organizing Committee, 2015 Asae Annual Meeting and Expositi
Detroit, Michigan

Detroit Metro Convention & Visitors Bureau's Email Format

We found 6 email formats used by Detroit Metro Convention & Visitors Bureau employees. The most common Detroit Metro Convention & Visitors Bureau email format is first_initial last ex.( being used 70% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About Detroit Metro Convention & Visitors Bureau

What is Detroit Metro Convention & Visitors Bureau's website address?

Detroit Metro Convention & Visitors Bureau's website address is

What is Detroit Metro Convention & Visitors Bureau's phone number?

Detroit Metro Convention & Visitors Bureau's phone number is (313) 202-xxxx

How many email formats does Detroit Metro Convention & Visitors Bureau use?

Detroit Metro Convention & Visitors Bureau uses 6 email formats

How many employees work at Detroit Metro Convention & Visitors Bureau?

Approximately 320 employees work at Detroit Metro Convention & Visitors Bureau

Where is Detroit Metro Convention & Visitors Bureau located?

Detroit Metro Convention & Visitors Bureau is located in 211 W Fort St, MI 48226