EnCana Corporation Company Information


EnCana Corporation is located in CO. EnCana Corporation mainly operate in the Chemical and Allied Products Merchant Wholesalers industry. Currently they have estimated 3,580 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

3,580 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
370 17th St Ste 1700, CO 80202
phone icon Phone Number:
+1 (303) 623-xxxx
+1 (303) 623-xxxx
+1 (403) 645-xxxx
1-303 623-xxxx
industry icon Industry:

Chemical and Allied Products Merchant Wholesalers

Employees at EnCana Corporation

Showing 10 of 1660
Manager Or Supervisor @encana.com +1 (720) 876-xxxx Denver, Colorado VIEW PROFILE
Vice President, Exploration and Chief Geologist @qepres.com
Denver, Colorado VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Regulatory and Government Relations Canada @encana.com +1 (720) 876-xxxx Denver, Colorado VIEW PROFILE
Employee @encana.com
Calgary, Texas VIEW PROFILE
Group Lead, Special Projects @sinopeccanada.com +1 (720) 876-xxxx Calgary, British Columbia VIEW PROFILE
Not Vice President Officer @encana.com +1 (720) 876-xxxx Calgary, British Columbia VIEW PROFILE
Strategic Planning Engineer, South Rockies Business Unit @encana.com
Littleton, Colorado VIEW PROFILE
Senior Manager Eagle Ford Development @encana.com
Vice President, Marketing @encana.com +1 (317) 872-xxxx Indianapolis, Indiana VIEW PROFILE
Director, Development and Staffing @encana.com
Denver, Colorado VIEW PROFILE
Manager Or Supervisor
Denver, Colorado
Vice President, Exploration and Chief Geologist
Denver, Colorado
Vice President Regulatory and Government Relations Canada
Denver, Colorado
Calgary, Texas
Group Lead, Special Projects
Calgary, British Columbia
Not Vice President Officer
Calgary, British Columbia
Strategic Planning Engineer, South Rockies Business Unit
Littleton, Colorado
Senior Manager Eagle Ford Development
Vice President, Marketing
Indianapolis, Indiana
Director, Development and Staffing
Denver, Colorado

EnCana Corporation's Email Format

We found 6 email formats used by EnCana Corporation employees. The most common EnCana Corporation email format is first.last ex.(jane.doe@encana.com) being used 84% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About EnCana Corporation

What is EnCana Corporation's website address?

EnCana Corporation's website address is http://www.encana.com

What is EnCana Corporation's phone number?

EnCana Corporation's phone number is +1 (303) 623-xxxx

How many email formats does EnCana Corporation use?

EnCana Corporation uses 6 email formats

How many employees work at EnCana Corporation?

Approximately 3,580 employees work at EnCana Corporation

Where is EnCana Corporation located?

EnCana Corporation is located in 370 17th St Ste 1700, CO 80202