Energen Corporation Company Information


Energen Corporation is located in AL. Energen Corporation mainly operate in the Petroleum Refining industry. Currently they have estimated 1,190 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

1,190 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
605 Richard Arrington Jr N Blvd, AL 35203
phone icon Phone Number:
+1 (205) 326-xxxx
industry icon Industry:

Petroleum Refining

Employees at Energen Corporation

Showing 7 of 388
Vice President and Controller @ey.com
Birmingham, Alabama VIEW PROFILE
Director, Enterprise Applications @energen.com +1 (205) 326-xxxx Birmingham, Alabama VIEW PROFILE
Vice President, Information Technology, Energen and Subsidiaries @energen.com +1 (205) 326-xxxx Birmingham, Alabama VIEW PROFILE
Manager, Finance Executive, Human Resources Execut @energen.com +1 (205) 326-xxxx Farmington, New Mexico VIEW PROFILE
Employee @alagasco.com
Birmingham, Alabama VIEW PROFILE
Vice President - Investor Relations @energen.com +1 (205) 326-xxxx Birmingham, Alabama VIEW PROFILE
Employee @energen.com
Rayburn, West Virginia VIEW PROFILE
Vice President and Controller
Birmingham, Alabama
Director, Enterprise Applications
Birmingham, Alabama
Vice President, Information Technology, Energen and Subsidiaries
Birmingham, Alabama
Manager, Finance Executive, Human Resources Execut
Farmington, New Mexico
Birmingham, Alabama
Vice President - Investor Relations
Birmingham, Alabama
Rayburn, West Virginia

Energen Corporation's Email Format

We found 5 email formats used by Energen Corporation employees. The most common Energen Corporation email format is first.last ex.(jane.doe@energen.com) being used 52% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About Energen Corporation

What is Energen Corporation's website address?

Energen Corporation's website address is http://www.energen.com

What is Energen Corporation's phone number?

Energen Corporation's phone number is +1 (205) 326-xxxx

How many email formats does Energen Corporation use?

Energen Corporation uses 5 email formats

How many employees work at Energen Corporation?

Approximately 1,190 employees work at Energen Corporation

Where is Energen Corporation located?

Energen Corporation is located in 605 Richard Arrington Jr N Blvd, AL 35203