Hannibal-LaGrange University Company Information


Hannibal-LaGrange University is located in MO. Hannibal-LaGrange University mainly operate in the Colleges and Universities industry. Currently they have estimated 220 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

220 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
2800 Palmyra Rd, MO 63401
phone icon Phone Number:
+1 (573) 629-xxxx
+1 (573) 221-xxxx
industry icon Industry:

Colleges and Universities

Employees at Hannibal-LaGrange University

Showing 9 of 52
Administrative Assistant To the President @mfaoil.com
Columbia, Missouri VIEW PROFILE
Vice President For Academic Cao Affairs @hlg.edu
Hannibal, Missouri VIEW PROFILE
Vice President For Enrollment Management @hlg.edu +1 (573) 221-xxxx Hannibal, Missouri VIEW PROFILE
Web Project Manager @hlg.edu +1 (573) 221-xxxx Hannibal, Missouri VIEW PROFILE
Employee @hlg.edu +1 (573) 221-xxxx Hannibal, Missouri VIEW PROFILE
Assistant Volleyball Coach @hlg.edu +1 (573) 629-xxxx Fort Wayne, Indiana VIEW PROFILE
Director Of Physical Plant @hlg.edu
St-Louis, Saint-Louis VIEW PROFILE
Computer Programmer / Analyst @hlg.edu
Louis, Oklahoma VIEW PROFILE
Professor Of Philosophy @hlg.edu
St-Louis, Saint-Louis VIEW PROFILE
Administrative Assistant To the President
Columbia, Missouri
Vice President For Academic Cao Affairs
Hannibal, Missouri
Vice President For Enrollment Management
Hannibal, Missouri
Web Project Manager
Hannibal, Missouri
Hannibal, Missouri
Assistant Volleyball Coach
Fort Wayne, Indiana
Director Of Physical Plant
St-Louis, Saint-Louis
Computer Programmer / Analyst
Louis, Oklahoma
Professor Of Philosophy
St-Louis, Saint-Louis

Hannibal-LaGrange University's Email Format

We found 4 email formats used by Hannibal-LaGrange University employees. The most common Hannibal-LaGrange University email format is first.last ex.(jane.doe@hlg.edu) being used 49% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About Hannibal-LaGrange University

What is Hannibal-LaGrange University's website address?

Hannibal-LaGrange University's website address is http://www.hlg.edu

What is Hannibal-LaGrange University's phone number?

Hannibal-LaGrange University's phone number is +1 (573) 629-xxxx

How many email formats does Hannibal-LaGrange University use?

Hannibal-LaGrange University uses 4 email formats

How many employees work at Hannibal-LaGrange University?

Approximately 220 employees work at Hannibal-LaGrange University

Where is Hannibal-LaGrange University located?

Hannibal-LaGrange University is located in 2800 Palmyra Rd, MO 63401