HealthSouth Corporation Company Information


HealthSouth Corporation is located in PA. HealthSouth Corporation mainly operate in the Offices Of Physicians (except Mental Health Specialists) industry. Currently they have estimated 21,990 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

21,990 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
303 Campmeeting Rd, PA 15143
phone icon Phone Number:
+1 (610) 478-xxxx
+1 (205) 967-xxxx
+1 (205) 969-xxxx
industry icon Industry:

Offices Of Physicians (except Mental Health Specialists)

Employees at HealthSouth Corporation

Showing 8 of 9896
Assistant Vice President
Redlands, California VIEW PROFILE
Director Human Resources +1 (304) 598-xxxx Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Financial Reporting +1 (205) 970-xxxx Carlisle, Pennsylvania VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Of Operations
Denver, Colorado VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Information Technology +1 (205) 970-xxxx Birmingham, Alabama VIEW PROFILE
Vice President, Corporate Development
Baltimore, Maryland VIEW PROFILE
Marketing Director
Nashville, Tennessee VIEW PROFILE
Marketing Director - Greater Syracuse
Binghamton, New York VIEW PROFILE
Assistant Vice President
Redlands, California
Director Human Resources
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Vice President Financial Reporting
Carlisle, Pennsylvania
Vice President Of Operations
Denver, Colorado
Vice President Information Technology
Birmingham, Alabama
Vice President, Corporate Development
Baltimore, Maryland
Marketing Director
Nashville, Tennessee
Marketing Director - Greater Syracuse
Binghamton, New York

HealthSouth Corporation's Email Format

We found 8 email formats used by HealthSouth Corporation employees. The most common HealthSouth Corporation email format is first.last ex.( being used 60% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About HealthSouth Corporation

What is HealthSouth Corporation's website address?

HealthSouth Corporation's website address is

What is HealthSouth Corporation's phone number?

HealthSouth Corporation's phone number is +1 (610) 478-xxxx

How many email formats does HealthSouth Corporation use?

HealthSouth Corporation uses 8 email formats

How many employees work at HealthSouth Corporation?

Approximately 21,990 employees work at HealthSouth Corporation

Where is HealthSouth Corporation located?

HealthSouth Corporation is located in 303 Campmeeting Rd, PA 15143