L.L. Bean, Inc Company Information


L.L. Bean, Inc is located in ME. L.L. Bean, Inc mainly operate in the Miscellaneous Store Retailers industry. Currently they have estimated 4,840 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

4,840 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
15 Casco St, ME 4033
phone icon Phone Number:
+1 (800) 554-xxxx
+1 (800) 441-xxxx
+1 (800) 243-xxxx
+1 (207) 552-xxxx
1-800 832-xxxx
industry icon Industry:

Miscellaneous Store Retailers

Employees at L.L. Bean, Inc

Showing 9 of 3492
Copywriter @llbean.com
Boston, Massachusetts VIEW PROFILE
Senior Liquidation Specialist @llbean.com +1 (802) 362-xxxx Albany, New York VIEW PROFILE
Middleware Systems Engineer @llbean.com +1 (212) 578-xxxx New York, New York VIEW PROFILE
Director, General Manager, L.l. Bean Flagship Stores @llbean.com +1 (207) 871-xxxx Portland, Maine VIEW PROFILE
Inventory and Sourcing Manager @garnethill.com
Retail Planning and Allocation @llbean.com +1 (207) 865-xxxx Wilson, North Carolina VIEW PROFILE
Manager, International Marketing @llbean.com +1 (585) 425-xxxx Freeport, Maine VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Corporate Finance and Loss Prevention @llbean.com +1 (508) 653-xxxx Columbia, South Carolina VIEW PROFILE
Vphr @pepsico.com
Downers Grove, Illinois VIEW PROFILE
Boston, Massachusetts
Senior Liquidation Specialist
Albany, New York
Middleware Systems Engineer
New York, New York
Director, General Manager, L.l. Bean Flagship Stores
Portland, Maine
Inventory and Sourcing Manager
Retail Planning and Allocation
Wilson, North Carolina
Manager, International Marketing
Freeport, Maine
Vice President Corporate Finance and Loss Prevention
Columbia, South Carolina
Downers Grove, Illinois

L.L. Bean, Inc's Email Format

We found 5 email formats used by L.L. Bean, Inc employees. The most common L.L. Bean, Inc email format is first_initial last ex.(jdoe@llbean.com) being used 75% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About L.L. Bean, Inc

What is L.L. Bean, Inc's website address?

L.L. Bean, Inc's website address is http://llbean.com

What is L.L. Bean, Inc's phone number?

L.L. Bean, Inc's phone number is +1 (800) 554-xxxx

How many email formats does L.L. Bean, Inc use?

L.L. Bean, Inc uses 5 email formats

How many employees work at L.L. Bean, Inc?

Approximately 4,840 employees work at L.L. Bean, Inc

Where is L.L. Bean, Inc located?

L.L. Bean, Inc is located in 15 Casco St, ME 4033