Le Creuset Company Information


Le Creuset is located in SC. Le Creuset mainly operate in the Food and Kindred Products industry. Currently they have estimated 170 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

170 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
241 King St, SC 29401
phone icon Phone Number:
+1 (843) 723-xxxx
(011) 410-xxxx
+1 (212) 268-xxxx
industry icon Industry:

Food and Kindred Products

Employees at Le Creuset

Showing 10 of 38
Vice President Of Finance and Operations @lecreuset.com +1 (803) 943-xxxx Early Branch, South Carolina VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Of Finance and Operations @lecreuset.com
Savannah, Georgia VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Marketing the Americas @lecreuset.com +1 (803) 943-xxxx Charleston, South Carolina VIEW PROFILE
Employee @lecreuset.com +1 (803) 943-xxxx Charleston, South Carolina VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Global Supply Chain @lecreuset.com
Palm Coast, Florida VIEW PROFILE
Vice President, Sales and North America Executive Team Member @philips.com
Minneapolis, Minnesota VIEW PROFILE
Employee @lecreuset.com +1 (803) 943-xxxx Charleston, South Carolina VIEW PROFILE
Group It Developer @lecreuset.com
Barcelona, Catalonia VIEW PROFILE
Employee @lecreuset.com
Charleston, South Carolina VIEW PROFILE
Director, Customer Care Center @lecreuset.com +1 (803) 943-xxxx Charleston, South Carolina VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Of Finance and Operations
Early Branch, South Carolina
Vice President Of Finance and Operations
Savannah, Georgia
Vice President Marketing the Americas
Charleston, South Carolina
Charleston, South Carolina
Vice President Global Supply Chain
Palm Coast, Florida
Vice President, Sales and North America Executive Team Member
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Charleston, South Carolina
Group It Developer
Barcelona, Catalonia
Charleston, South Carolina
Director, Customer Care Center
Charleston, South Carolina

Le Creuset's Email Format

We found 5 email formats used by Le Creuset employees. The most common Le Creuset email format is first_initial last ex.(jdoe@lecreuset.com) being used 47% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About Le Creuset

What is Le Creuset's website address?

Le Creuset's website address is http://www.lecreuset.com

What is Le Creuset's phone number?

Le Creuset's phone number is +1 (843) 723-xxxx

How many email formats does Le Creuset use?

Le Creuset uses 5 email formats

How many employees work at Le Creuset?

Approximately 170 employees work at Le Creuset

Where is Le Creuset located?

Le Creuset is located in 241 King St, SC 29401