Lee Enterprises Company Information


Lee Enterprises is located in IA. Lee Enterprises mainly operate in the Newspapers: Publishing, Or Publishing and Printing industry. Currently they have estimated 5,180 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

5,180 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
500 E 3rd St, IA 52801
phone icon Phone Number:
+1 (563) 323-xxxx
+1 (563) 383-xxxx
1-563 383-xxxx
industry icon Industry:

Newspapers: Publishing, Or Publishing and Printing

Employees at Lee Enterprises

Showing 8 of 1755
President, Stl Distribution Services; Vice President Of Circulation For Lee St. Louis @lee.net +1 (563) 383-xxxx Scott, Iowa VIEW PROFILE
The Auburn Citizen @ralphlauren.com
Auburn, New York VIEW PROFILE
President and Publisher, Lee Central California Newspapers @lee.net +1 (563) 383-xxxx Davenport, Iowa VIEW PROFILE
Advertising Director @lee.net
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania VIEW PROFILE
Director Human Resources and Benefits @lee.net
Bettendorf, Iowa VIEW PROFILE
Sales and Development Team Project Manager @redcross.org +1 (608) 577-xxxx Madison, Wisconsin VIEW PROFILE
National Sales Manager @lee.net
Las Vegas, Nevada VIEW PROFILE
Director, Digital Agency @lee.net +1 (651) 483-xxxx Davenport, Iowa VIEW PROFILE
President, Stl Distribution Services; Vice President Of Circulation For Lee St. Louis
Scott, Iowa
The Auburn Citizen
Auburn, New York
President and Publisher, Lee Central California Newspapers
Davenport, Iowa
Advertising Director
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Director Human Resources and Benefits
Bettendorf, Iowa
Sales and Development Team Project Manager
Madison, Wisconsin
National Sales Manager
Las Vegas, Nevada
Director, Digital Agency
Davenport, Iowa

Lee Enterprises' Email Format

We found 7 email formats used by Lee Enterprises employees. The most common Lee Enterprises email format is first.last ex.(jane.doe@lee.net) being used 75% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About Lee Enterprises

What is Lee Enterprises's website address?

Lee Enterprises's website address is http://www.lee.net

What is Lee Enterprises's phone number?

Lee Enterprises's phone number is +1 (563) 323-xxxx

How many email formats does Lee Enterprises use?

Lee Enterprises uses 7 email formats

How many employees work at Lee Enterprises?

Approximately 5,180 employees work at Lee Enterprises

Where is Lee Enterprises located?

Lee Enterprises is located in 500 E 3rd St, IA 52801