Lex Machina, Inc. Company Information


Lex Machina, Inc. is located in CA. Lex Machina, Inc. mainly operate in the Data Processing and Preparation industry. Currently they have estimated 70 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

70 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
1010 Doyle St, CA 94025
phone icon Phone Number:
+1 (650) 390-xxxx
industry icon Industry:

Data Processing and Preparation

Employees at Lex Machina, Inc.

Showing 10 of 58
Employee @shearman.com
Board Member @lexmachina.com +1 (425) 247-xxxx Seattle, Washington VIEW PROFILE
Advisor @lexmachina.com
Mountain View, California VIEW PROFILE
Assistant @lexmachina.com
Washington, District Of Columbia VIEW PROFILE
Advisory Board Member @lexmachina.com
San Francisco, California VIEW PROFILE
Chief Evangelist and General Counsel @lexmachina.com
Menlo Park, California VIEW PROFILE
Research Consultant @lexmachina.com
Cambridge, Massachusetts VIEW PROFILE
Board Of Directors @knovel.com
Boston, Massachusetts VIEW PROFILE
Director Of Legal Analytics @vlany.org
San Francisco, California VIEW PROFILE
Lead Software Engineer @lexmachina.com
Fort Worth, Texas VIEW PROFILE
Board Member
Seattle, Washington
Mountain View, California
Washington, District Of Columbia
Advisory Board Member
San Francisco, California
Chief Evangelist and General Counsel
Menlo Park, California
Research Consultant
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Board Of Directors
Boston, Massachusetts
Director Of Legal Analytics
San Francisco, California
Lead Software Engineer
Fort Worth, Texas

Lex Machina, Inc.'s Email Format

We found 5 email formats used by Lex Machina, Inc. employees. The most common Lex Machina, Inc. email format is first_initial last ex.(jdoe@lexmachina.com) being used 85% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About Lex Machina, Inc.

What is Lex Machina, Inc.'s website address?

Lex Machina, Inc.'s website address is http://www.lexmachina.com

What is Lex Machina, Inc.'s phone number?

Lex Machina, Inc.'s phone number is +1 (650) 390-xxxx

How many email formats does Lex Machina, Inc. use?

Lex Machina, Inc. uses 5 email formats

How many employees work at Lex Machina, Inc.?

Approximately 70 employees work at Lex Machina, Inc.

Where is Lex Machina, Inc. located?

Lex Machina, Inc. is located in 1010 Doyle St, CA 94025