LifeWatch Corp Company Information


LifeWatch Corp is located in Des Plaines IL. LifeWatch Corp mainly operate in the All Other Miscellaneous Ambulatory Health Care Services industry. Currently they have estimated 310 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

310 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
10255 W Higgins Rd, IL 60018
phone icon Phone Number:
+1 (847) 720-xxxx
+41 41 728 67 77
+1 (847) 720-xxxx
industry icon Industry:

All Other Miscellaneous Ambulatory Health Care Services

Employees at LifeWatch Corp

Showing 9 of 90
Vice President, Research Services and Technologies
Minneapolis, Minnesota VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Of Sales and National Accounts
Knoxville, Tennessee VIEW PROFILE
Nashville, Tennessee VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Human Resources
Nashville, Tennessee VIEW PROFILE
President +1 (561) 362-xxxx Palm Beach, Florida VIEW PROFILE
Vice President, Clinical Strategy
Menard, Montana VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Strategic Business Development +1 (888) 859-xxxx Milwaukee, Wisconsin VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Of Global Marketing +1 (877) 493-xxxx Chicago, Illinois VIEW PROFILE
Vice President, Corp. Regulatory Affairs +1 (847) 720-xxxx Pillar, Arkansas VIEW PROFILE
Vice President, Research Services and Technologies
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Vice President Of Sales and National Accounts
Knoxville, Tennessee
Nashville, Tennessee
Vice President Human Resources
Nashville, Tennessee
Palm Beach, Florida
Vice President, Clinical Strategy
Menard, Montana
Vice President Strategic Business Development
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Vice President Of Global Marketing
Chicago, Illinois
Vice President, Corp. Regulatory Affairs
Pillar, Arkansas

LifeWatch Corp's Email Format

We found 6 email formats used by LifeWatch Corp employees. The most common LifeWatch Corp email format is first_initial last ex.( being used 75% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About LifeWatch Corp

What is LifeWatch Corp's website address?

LifeWatch Corp's website address is

What is LifeWatch Corp's phone number?

LifeWatch Corp's phone number is +1 (847) 720-xxxx

How many email formats does LifeWatch Corp use?

LifeWatch Corp uses 6 email formats

How many employees work at LifeWatch Corp?

Approximately 310 employees work at LifeWatch Corp

Where is LifeWatch Corp located?

LifeWatch Corp is located in 10255 W Higgins Rd, IL 60018