LPK Company Information


LPK is located in OH. LPK mainly operate in the Business Support Services industry. Currently they have estimated 1,080 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

1,080 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
19 Garfield Pl, OH 45202
phone icon Phone Number:
+65 (0)6372 8400
+1 (513) 241-xxxx
+44 20 7078 3220
+41 22 300 33 00
+86 20 6639 3100
+1 (513) 241-xxxx
(513) 241-xxxx
industry icon Industry:

Business Support Services

Employees at LPK

Showing 10 of 762
Vice President, Group Director; Strategic Director Group Lead; Brand Design Strategist @lpk.com
Cincinnati, Ohio VIEW PROFILE
Vice President, Managing Director, Creative Technologies @lpk.com +1 (513) 241-xxxx Kentucky VIEW PROFILE
Brand Leader @lpk.com +1 (513) 241-xxxx Bradley, Illinois VIEW PROFILE
Brand Design Strategist @lpk.com
Cincinnati, Ohio VIEW PROFILE
Project Leader @stgregory.com +1 (513) 769-xxxx Cincinnati, Ohio VIEW PROFILE
Creative Director @lpk.com
Seattle, Washington VIEW PROFILE
Technology Co-Op @6dglobal.com
Portland, Oregon VIEW PROFILE
President @ncr.com
Springboro, Ohio VIEW PROFILE
Vice President @jackmanreinvents.com +1 (513) 241-xxxx Cincinnati, Ohio VIEW PROFILE
Account Executive @lpk.com
Charlotte, North Carolina VIEW PROFILE
Vice President, Group Director; Strategic Director Group Lead; Brand Design Strategist
Cincinnati, Ohio
Vice President, Managing Director, Creative Technologies
Brand Leader
Bradley, Illinois
Brand Design Strategist
Cincinnati, Ohio
Project Leader
Cincinnati, Ohio
Creative Director
Seattle, Washington
Technology Co-Op
Portland, Oregon
Springboro, Ohio
Vice President
Cincinnati, Ohio
Account Executive
Charlotte, North Carolina

LPK's Email Format

We found 6 email formats used by LPK employees. The most common LPK email format is first last ex.(jane_doe@lpk.com) being used 73% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About LPK

What is LPK's website address?

LPK's website address is http://lpk.com

What is LPK's phone number?

LPK's phone number is +65 (0)6372 8400

How many email formats does LPK use?

LPK uses 6 email formats

How many employees work at LPK?

Approximately 1,080 employees work at LPK

Where is LPK located?

LPK is located in 19 Garfield Pl, OH 45202