Otis College of Art and Design Company Information


Otis College of Art and Design is located in CA. Otis College of Art and Design mainly operate in the Educational Services industry. Currently they have estimated 1,260 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

1,260 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
9045 Lincoln Blvd, CA 90045
phone icon Phone Number:
+1 (310) 665-xxxx
+1 (310) 665-xxxx
(310) 665-xxxx
+1 (800) 527-xxxx
industry icon Industry:

Educational Services

Employees at Otis College of Art and Design

Showing 10 of 1040
Instructor @uclaextension.edu
Angeles, Zacatecas VIEW PROFILE
Governor Of Campus Life Concerns @otis.edu
Los Angeles, California VIEW PROFILE
Interim Vice President, Institutional Advancement @otis.edu
Brennan, Washington VIEW PROFILE
Assistant Chair, Digital Media @otis.edu
Los Angeles, California VIEW PROFILE
Special Projects Coordinator, Office Of the President @otis.edu +1 (310) 665-xxxx Tucson, Arizona VIEW PROFILE
Senior Director Of Corporate Relations @otis.edu
Los Angeles, California VIEW PROFILE
Adjunct Professor-Fashion Marketing @otis.edu
Los Angeles, California VIEW PROFILE
Guest Lecturer @otis.edu
Heber City, Utah VIEW PROFILE
Senior Lecturer @otis.edu
Los Angeles, California VIEW PROFILE
Estudante @otis.edu
Los Angeles, California VIEW PROFILE
Angeles, Zacatecas
Governor Of Campus Life Concerns
Los Angeles, California
Interim Vice President, Institutional Advancement
Brennan, Washington
Assistant Chair, Digital Media
Los Angeles, California
Special Projects Coordinator, Office Of the President
Tucson, Arizona
Senior Director Of Corporate Relations
Los Angeles, California
Adjunct Professor-Fashion Marketing
Los Angeles, California
Guest Lecturer
Heber City, Utah
Senior Lecturer
Los Angeles, California
Los Angeles, California

Otis College of Art and Design's Email Format

We found 4 email formats used by Otis College of Art and Design employees. The most common Otis College of Art and Design email format is first_initial last ex.(jdoe@otis.edu) being used 86% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About Otis College of Art and Design

What is Otis College of Art and Design's website address?

Otis College of Art and Design's website address is http://otis.edu

What is Otis College of Art and Design's phone number?

Otis College of Art and Design's phone number is +1 (310) 665-xxxx

How many email formats does Otis College of Art and Design use?

Otis College of Art and Design uses 4 email formats

How many employees work at Otis College of Art and Design?

Approximately 1,260 employees work at Otis College of Art and Design

Where is Otis College of Art and Design located?

Otis College of Art and Design is located in 9045 Lincoln Blvd, CA 90045