Powers Catholic High School Company Information


Powers Catholic High School is located in MI. Powers Catholic High School mainly operate in the Elementary and Secondary Schools industry. Currently they have estimated 80 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

80 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
1505 W Court St, MI 48503
phone icon Phone Number:
+1 (810) 591-xxxx
industry icon Industry:

Elementary and Secondary Schools

Employees at Powers Catholic High School

Showing 9 of 63
Interim President @carman.k12.mi.us
Flushing, Michigan VIEW PROFILE
Athletic Department Intern @powerscatholic.org
Fundraising and Development @powerscatholic.org
Fenton, Michigan VIEW PROFILE
Football Coach @powerscatholic.org
Warren, Michigan VIEW PROFILE
School Counselor / Social Worker @powerscatholic.org
Talbot, Oregon VIEW PROFILE
Teacher / Athletic Director and Coach @powerscatholic.org +1 (810) 659-xxxx Flushing, Michigan VIEW PROFILE
Teacher @powerscatholic.org
Busch, Montana VIEW PROFILE
Cad / Business Tech Instructor @powerscatholic.org
Gates, West Virginia VIEW PROFILE
Freshman Baseball Coach @powerscatholic.org
Big Rapids, Michigan VIEW PROFILE
Interim President
Flushing, Michigan
Athletic Department Intern
Fundraising and Development
Fenton, Michigan
Football Coach
Warren, Michigan
School Counselor / Social Worker
Talbot, Oregon
Teacher / Athletic Director and Coach
Flushing, Michigan
Busch, Montana
Cad / Business Tech Instructor
Gates, West Virginia
Freshman Baseball Coach
Big Rapids, Michigan

Powers Catholic High School's Email Format

We found 3 email formats used by Powers Catholic High School employees. The most common Powers Catholic High School email format is first_initial last ex.(jdoe@powerscatholic.org) being used 86% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About Powers Catholic High School

What is Powers Catholic High School's website address?

Powers Catholic High School's website address is http://powerscatholic.org

What is Powers Catholic High School's phone number?

Powers Catholic High School's phone number is +1 (810) 591-xxxx

How many email formats does Powers Catholic High School use?

Powers Catholic High School uses 3 email formats

How many employees work at Powers Catholic High School?

Approximately 80 employees work at Powers Catholic High School

Where is Powers Catholic High School located?

Powers Catholic High School is located in 1505 W Court St, MI 48503