Regus Company Information


Regus is located in GA. Regus mainly operate in the Facilities Support Services industry. Currently they have estimated 16,190 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

16,190 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
1170 Peachtree NE St, GA 30309
phone icon Phone Number:
+1 (855) 400-xxxx
+352 88 86 33 5663
+352 77 08 04 9203
+352 21 42 95 3132
+352 97 27 15 2000
industry icon Industry:

Facilities Support Services

Employees at Regus

Showing 9 of 12992
Operations Director
Washington, District Of Columbia VIEW PROFILE
President +1 (317) 610-xxxx Indianapolis, Indiana VIEW PROFILE
Cmo Vice President Marketing and Planning For Regus +1 (785) 295-xxxx Lawrence, Kansas VIEW PROFILE
Center Manager
Campbell, California VIEW PROFILE
Regional Director Operations
Washington, District Of Columbia VIEW PROFILE
Area Director
Portland, Oregon VIEW PROFILE
Market Team Lead / Area Operations Manager
Wapwallopen, Pennsylvania VIEW PROFILE
New York, New York VIEW PROFILE
Vice President, Finance
Dallas, Texas VIEW PROFILE
Operations Director
Washington, District Of Columbia
Indianapolis, Indiana
Cmo Vice President Marketing and Planning For Regus
Lawrence, Kansas
Center Manager
Campbell, California
Regional Director Operations
Washington, District Of Columbia
Area Director
Portland, Oregon
Market Team Lead / Area Operations Manager
Wapwallopen, Pennsylvania
New York, New York
Vice President, Finance
Dallas, Texas

Regus' Email Format

We found 4 email formats used by Regus employees. The most common Regus email format is first.last ex.( being used 91% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About Regus

What is Regus's website address?

Regus's website address is

What is Regus's phone number?

Regus's phone number is +1 (855) 400-xxxx

How many email formats does Regus use?

Regus uses 4 email formats

How many employees work at Regus?

Approximately 16,190 employees work at Regus

Where is Regus located?

Regus is located in 1170 Peachtree NE St, GA 30309