Sierra Sands Unified School District Company Information


Sierra Sands Unified School District is located in CA. Sierra Sands Unified School District mainly operate in the Educational Services industry. Currently they have estimated 280 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

280 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
113 W Felspar Ave, CA 93555
phone icon Phone Number:
(760) 499-xxxx
+1 (760) 499-xxxx
industry icon Industry:

Educational Services

Employees at Sierra Sands Unified School District

Showing 10 of 142
Burroughs High School, Mathematics Teacher
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma VIEW PROFILE
President, School Board
Johnson, Wisconsin VIEW PROFILE
Director Of Technology +1 (760) 384-xxxx Bakersfield, California VIEW PROFILE
President +1 (480) 813-xxxx Denver, Colorado VIEW PROFILE
Music Teacher
Bakersfield, California VIEW PROFILE
Bakersfield, California VIEW PROFILE
Substitute Teacher
Modlin, Mazowieckie VIEW PROFILE
English Teacher, Assistant Principal, Principal
Paine, Pennsylvania VIEW PROFILE
Teacher +1 (760) 375-xxxx Ridgecrest, California VIEW PROFILE
English Teacher
Trudy, Georgia VIEW PROFILE
Burroughs High School, Mathematics Teacher
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
President, School Board
Johnson, Wisconsin
Director Of Technology
Bakersfield, California
Denver, Colorado
Music Teacher
Bakersfield, California
Bakersfield, California
Substitute Teacher
Modlin, Mazowieckie
English Teacher, Assistant Principal, Principal
Paine, Pennsylvania
Ridgecrest, California
English Teacher
Trudy, Georgia

Sierra Sands Unified School District's Email Format

We found 6 email formats used by Sierra Sands Unified School District employees. The most common Sierra Sands Unified School District email format is first_initial last ex.( being used 93% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About Sierra Sands Unified School District

What is Sierra Sands Unified School District's website address?

Sierra Sands Unified School District's website address is

What is Sierra Sands Unified School District's phone number?

Sierra Sands Unified School District's phone number is (760) 499-xxxx

How many email formats does Sierra Sands Unified School District use?

Sierra Sands Unified School District uses 6 email formats

How many employees work at Sierra Sands Unified School District?

Approximately 280 employees work at Sierra Sands Unified School District

Where is Sierra Sands Unified School District located?

Sierra Sands Unified School District is located in 113 W Felspar Ave, CA 93555