Smithfield Packing Company Company Information


Smithfield Packing Company is located in VA. Smithfield Packing Company mainly operate in the Executive Offices industry. Currently they have estimated 2,130 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

2,130 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
111 Commerce St, VA 23430
phone icon Phone Number:
1-804 644-xxxx
+1 (910) 592-xxxx
+1 (757) 357-xxxx
+1 (855) 411-xxxx
industry icon Industry:

Executive Offices

Employees at Smithfield Packing Company

Showing 7 of 1477
Senior Vice President Fresh Pork +1 (336) 316-xxxx Greensboro, North Carolina VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Sales and Marketing Processed Meats and Deli
Norfolk, Virginia VIEW PROFILE
National Sales / Deli Business Development Manager
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma VIEW PROFILE
Industrial Account Sales-Fresh Meat +1 (201) 827-xxxx Miami, Florida VIEW PROFILE
Executive Assistant To the President +1 (757) 357-xxxx Norman, Oklahoma VIEW PROFILE
Senior Vice President
Norfolk, Virginia VIEW PROFILE
Product Manager Sales
Norfolk, Virginia VIEW PROFILE
Senior Vice President Fresh Pork
Greensboro, North Carolina
Vice President Sales and Marketing Processed Meats and Deli
Norfolk, Virginia
National Sales / Deli Business Development Manager
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Industrial Account Sales-Fresh Meat
Miami, Florida
Executive Assistant To the President
Norman, Oklahoma
Senior Vice President
Norfolk, Virginia
Product Manager Sales
Norfolk, Virginia

Smithfield Packing Company's Email Format

We found 6 email formats used by Smithfield Packing Company employees. The most common Smithfield Packing Company email format is first last ex.( being used 56% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About Smithfield Packing Company

What is Smithfield Packing Company's website address?

Smithfield Packing Company's website address is

What is Smithfield Packing Company's phone number?

Smithfield Packing Company's phone number is 1-804 644-xxxx

How many email formats does Smithfield Packing Company use?

Smithfield Packing Company uses 6 email formats

How many employees work at Smithfield Packing Company?

Approximately 2,130 employees work at Smithfield Packing Company

Where is Smithfield Packing Company located?

Smithfield Packing Company is located in 111 Commerce St, VA 23430