SYNNEX Corporation Company Information


SYNNEX Corporation is located in CA. SYNNEX Corporation mainly operate in the Computer Peripheral Equipment, Nec industry. Currently they have estimated 2,820 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

2,820 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
44201 Nobel Dr, CA 94538
phone icon Phone Number:
+1 (510) 668-xxxx
(510) 656-xxxx
+1 (510) 656-xxxx
industry icon Industry:

Computer Peripheral Equipment, Nec

Employees at SYNNEX Corporation

Showing 10 of 896
Vice President - Commercial Sales and Business Development +1 (416) 240-xxxx Durham, California VIEW PROFILE
Vice President, Manufacturing Operations
San Francisco, California VIEW PROFILE
Rhodes, Montana VIEW PROFILE
Vice President, Product Management +1 (864) 349-xxxx Taylors, South Carolina VIEW PROFILE
Senior Vice President Product Management +1 (510) 656-xxxx Tokyo, Tottori VIEW PROFILE
Senior Director, Corporate Development +1 (510) 668-xxxx San Francisco, California VIEW PROFILE
Senior Inside Sales Representative +1 (510) 656-xxxx Fremont, California VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Design and Support Services
Greenville, South Carolina VIEW PROFILE
Strategic Advisor +1 (408) 562-xxxx Santa Clara, California VIEW PROFILE
Associate Vice President Product Management +1 (510) 656-xxxx Fremont, California VIEW PROFILE
Vice President - Commercial Sales and Business Development
Durham, California
Vice President, Manufacturing Operations
San Francisco, California
Rhodes, Montana
Vice President, Product Management
Taylors, South Carolina
Senior Vice President Product Management
Tokyo, Tottori
Senior Director, Corporate Development
San Francisco, California
Senior Inside Sales Representative
Fremont, California
Vice President Design and Support Services
Greenville, South Carolina
Strategic Advisor
Santa Clara, California
Associate Vice President Product Management
Fremont, California

SYNNEX Corporation's Email Format

We found 8 email formats used by SYNNEX Corporation employees. The most common SYNNEX Corporation email format is first last_initial ex.( being used 52% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About SYNNEX Corporation

What is SYNNEX Corporation's website address?

SYNNEX Corporation's website address is

What is SYNNEX Corporation's phone number?

SYNNEX Corporation's phone number is +1 (510) 668-xxxx

How many email formats does SYNNEX Corporation use?

SYNNEX Corporation uses 8 email formats

How many employees work at SYNNEX Corporation?

Approximately 2,820 employees work at SYNNEX Corporation

Where is SYNNEX Corporation located?

SYNNEX Corporation is located in 44201 Nobel Dr, CA 94538