Targa Resources Corp. Company Information

Employees at Targa Resources Corp.

Showing 14 of 932
Director Gas Supply and Business Development @targaresources.com +1 (432) 688-xxxx Midland, Texas VIEW PROFILE
Employee @rockwaterenergy.com +1 (713) 235-xxxx Houston, Texas VIEW PROFILE
Vice President @targaresources.com +1 (918) 574-xxxx Midland, Texas VIEW PROFILE
Senior Vice President Ok Operations and Corporate Control @targaresources.com
Burks, Arkansas VIEW PROFILE
Member, Managing Board Of Directors @targaresources.com
Staines, Surrey VIEW PROFILE
Employee @targaresources.com
Glenpool, Oklahoma VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Commercial @targaresources.com
Tulsa, Oklahoma VIEW PROFILE
Vice President @targaresources.com
Senior Vice President, Commercial and Business Development @targaresources.com +1 (918) 574-xxxx Tulsa, Oklahoma VIEW PROFILE
Vice President and Controller @targaresources.com
Houston, Texas VIEW PROFILE
Vice President @targaresources.com +1 (432) 688-xxxx Midland, Texas VIEW PROFILE
Employee @targaresources.com +1 (713) 584-xxxx Houston, Texas VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Marketing @targaresources.com +1 (713) 584-xxxx Houston, Texas VIEW PROFILE
Director Of Engineering and Construction @targaresources.com
Worth, Illinois VIEW PROFILE
Director Gas Supply and Business Development
Midland, Texas
Houston, Texas
Vice President
Midland, Texas
Senior Vice President Ok Operations and Corporate Control
Burks, Arkansas
Member, Managing Board Of Directors
Staines, Surrey
Glenpool, Oklahoma
Vice President Commercial
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Vice President
Senior Vice President, Commercial and Business Development
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Vice President and Controller
Houston, Texas
Vice President
Midland, Texas
Houston, Texas
Vice President Marketing
Houston, Texas
Director Of Engineering and Construction
Worth, Illinois

Targa Resources Corp.'s Email Format

We found 6 email formats used by Targa Resources Corp. employees. The most common Targa Resources Corp. email format is first_initial last ex.(jdoe@targaresources.com) being used 85% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About Targa Resources Corp.

What is Targa Resources Corp.'s website address?

Targa Resources Corp.'s website address is http://www.targaresources.com

What is Targa Resources Corp.'s phone number?

Targa Resources Corp.'s phone number is +1 (713) 584-xxxx

How many email formats does Targa Resources Corp. use?

Targa Resources Corp. uses 6 email formats

How many employees work at Targa Resources Corp.?

Approximately 1,510 employees work at Targa Resources Corp.

Where is Targa Resources Corp. located?

Targa Resources Corp. is located in 1000 Louisiana St, TX 77002