Tesco PLC Company Information


Tesco PLC is located in PA. Tesco PLC mainly operate in the Oil and Gas Extraction industry. Currently they have estimated 1,990 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

1,990 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
292 PO Box, PA 18068
phone icon Phone Number:
+86 713 359 7000
+86 713 849 0075
+44 345 671 9402
industry icon Industry:

Oil and Gas Extraction

Employees at Tesco PLC

Showing 4 of 464
Svp Marketing and Business Development @technip.com +1 (713) 359-xxxx Houston, Texas VIEW PROFILE
Vice President, Tax and Treasury @pwc.com
Burton, Michigan VIEW PROFILE
Proprietary Sales Representative @hpinc.com +1 (713) 359-xxxx Houston, Texas VIEW PROFILE
Vice President and General Manager For Latin America @tesco.com
Houston, Texas VIEW PROFILE
Svp Marketing and Business Development
Houston, Texas
Vice President, Tax and Treasury
Burton, Michigan
Proprietary Sales Representative
Houston, Texas
Vice President and General Manager For Latin America
Houston, Texas

Frequently Asked Questions About Tesco PLC

What is Tesco PLC's website address?

Tesco PLC's website address is http://www.tesco.com

What is Tesco PLC's phone number?

Tesco PLC's phone number is +86 713 359 7000

How many employees work at Tesco PLC?

Approximately 1,990 employees work at Tesco PLC

Where is Tesco PLC located?

Tesco PLC is located in 292 PO Box, PA 18068