Union Bank & Trust Company Company Information


Union Bank & Trust Company is located in NE. Union Bank & Trust Company mainly operate in the Monetary Authorities-central Bank industry. Currently they have estimated 1,170 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

1,170 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
4243 Pioneer Woods Dr, NE 68506
phone icon Phone Number:
(408) 419-xxxx
+1 (402) 323-xxxx
+1 (402) 323-xxxx
+1 (402) 323-xxxx
industry icon Industry:

Monetary Authorities-central Bank

Employees at Union Bank & Trust Company

Showing 10 of 755
Employee @unionbank.com
San Francisco, California VIEW PROFILE
Processor / Closer @charterwest.com +1 (402) 372-xxxx Omaha, Nebraska VIEW PROFILE
Vice President and Trust Advisor, Union Financial Advisor, Rjfs @bankatunion.com
Richmond, Virginia VIEW PROFILE
Vice President - Business Banking Manager @arborbanking.com
Omaha, Nebraska VIEW PROFILE
Customer Service Officer @ubt.com
Kansas City, Missouri VIEW PROFILE
Support Staff Manager Vice President @bankatunion.com
Jones, Michigan VIEW PROFILE
Assistant Vice President Mortgage Lending @ubt.com
Lincoln, Nebraska VIEW PROFILE
Employee @lincolnfirstrealty.com
Elgert, Saarland VIEW PROFILE
Marketing Specialist @greatwesternbank.com +1 (402) 952-xxxx Omaha, Nebraska VIEW PROFILE
Assistant To the President / Accountant @andrewcollege.edu
Columbus, Georgia VIEW PROFILE
San Francisco, California
Processor / Closer
Omaha, Nebraska
Vice President and Trust Advisor, Union Financial Advisor, Rjfs
Richmond, Virginia
Vice President - Business Banking Manager
Omaha, Nebraska
Customer Service Officer
Kansas City, Missouri
Support Staff Manager Vice President
Jones, Michigan
Assistant Vice President Mortgage Lending
Lincoln, Nebraska
Elgert, Saarland
Marketing Specialist
Omaha, Nebraska
Assistant To the President / Accountant
Columbus, Georgia

Union Bank & Trust Company's Email Format

We found 4 email formats used by Union Bank & Trust Company employees. The most common Union Bank & Trust Company email format is first.last ex.(jane.doe@ubt.com) being used 82% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About Union Bank & Trust Company

What is Union Bank & Trust Company's website address?

Union Bank & Trust Company's website address is http://ubt.com

What is Union Bank & Trust Company's phone number?

Union Bank & Trust Company's phone number is (408) 419-xxxx

How many email formats does Union Bank & Trust Company use?

Union Bank & Trust Company uses 4 email formats

How many employees work at Union Bank & Trust Company?

Approximately 1,170 employees work at Union Bank & Trust Company

Where is Union Bank & Trust Company located?

Union Bank & Trust Company is located in 4243 Pioneer Woods Dr, NE 68506