VWR Corporation Company Information


VWR Corporation is located in PA. VWR Corporation mainly operate in the Offices Of Other Holding Companies industry. Currently they have estimated 2,710 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

2,710 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
100 W Matsonford Rd, PA 19087
phone icon Phone Number:
+1 (610) 436-xxxx
+1 (610) 386-xxxx
+1 (610) 431-xxxx
(800) 937-xxxx
industry icon Industry:

Offices Of Other Holding Companies

Employees at VWR Corporation

Showing 10 of 994
Vice President, Information Security and Risk Management @cardinalhealth.com
Canton, Michigan VIEW PROFILE
Regional Sales Manager @vwr.com +1 (801) 730-xxxx Welch, Texas VIEW PROFILE
Employee @vwr.com
Naperville, Illinois VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Site Service Operations, Americas @vwr.com
Daniels, West Virginia VIEW PROFILE
Vice President, Portfolio Leader, Biotech Segment @vwr.com +1 (630) 879-xxxx Boston, Massachusetts VIEW PROFILE
Vice President @vwr.com
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania VIEW PROFILE
Senior Vice President Of Category Management @vwr.com +1 (610) 431-xxxx Goodman, Missouri VIEW PROFILE
Vice President - Strategy and Corporate Development @vwr.com
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania VIEW PROFILE
Executive Vice President @thomassci.com +1 (856) 467-xxxx Forrest, Illinois VIEW PROFILE
Vice President - Corporate Controller @vwr.com
Pitts, Kentucky VIEW PROFILE
Vice President, Information Security and Risk Management
Canton, Michigan
Regional Sales Manager
Welch, Texas
Naperville, Illinois
Vice President Site Service Operations, Americas
Daniels, West Virginia
Vice President, Portfolio Leader, Biotech Segment
Boston, Massachusetts
Vice President
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Senior Vice President Of Category Management
Goodman, Missouri
Vice President - Strategy and Corporate Development
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Executive Vice President
Forrest, Illinois
Vice President - Corporate Controller
Pitts, Kentucky

VWR Corporation's Email Format

We found 6 email formats used by VWR Corporation employees. The most common VWR Corporation email format is first last ex.(jane_doe@vwr.com) being used 59% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About VWR Corporation

What is VWR Corporation's website address?

VWR Corporation's website address is http://vwr.com

What is VWR Corporation's phone number?

VWR Corporation's phone number is +1 (610) 436-xxxx

How many email formats does VWR Corporation use?

VWR Corporation uses 6 email formats

How many employees work at VWR Corporation?

Approximately 2,710 employees work at VWR Corporation

Where is VWR Corporation located?

VWR Corporation is located in 100 W Matsonford Rd, PA 19087