Wichita State University Company Information


Wichita State University is located in KS. Wichita State University mainly operate in the Colleges and Universities industry. Currently they have estimated 5,140 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

5,140 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
1845 Fairmount St, KS 67260
phone icon Phone Number:
+1 (316) 978-xxxx
(360) 256-xxxx
+1 (316) 978-xxxx
+1 (316) 978-xxxx
+1 (316) 978-xxxx
industry icon Industry:

Colleges and Universities

Employees at Wichita State University

Showing 9 of 1157
Employee @pizzahut.com
Wichita, Kansas VIEW PROFILE
Laboratory Assistant @sodexo.com
Wichita, Kansas VIEW PROFILE
Provost and Senior Vice President @msstate.edu
Wichita, Kansas VIEW PROFILE
Vice President For Information Technology and Cio @wichita.edu +1 (973) 655-xxxx Wichita, Kansas VIEW PROFILE
Distinguished Senior Fellow In Media Management and Journalism @wichita.edu
Wichita, Kansas VIEW PROFILE
President @wichita.edu
Wichita, Kansas VIEW PROFILE
Associate Vice President For Campus Life @uconn.edu
Charleston, South Carolina VIEW PROFILE
Orientation Coordinator @wichita.edu
Wichita, Kansas VIEW PROFILE
Associate Vice President For Development @uconn.edu
Waterloo, Iowa VIEW PROFILE
Wichita, Kansas
Laboratory Assistant
Wichita, Kansas
Provost and Senior Vice President
Wichita, Kansas
Vice President For Information Technology and Cio
Wichita, Kansas
Distinguished Senior Fellow In Media Management and Journalism
Wichita, Kansas
Wichita, Kansas
Associate Vice President For Campus Life
Charleston, South Carolina
Orientation Coordinator
Wichita, Kansas
Associate Vice President For Development
Waterloo, Iowa

Wichita State University's Email Format

We found 7 email formats used by Wichita State University employees. The most common Wichita State University email format is first.last ex.(jane.doe@wichita.edu) being used 77% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About Wichita State University

What is Wichita State University's website address?

Wichita State University's website address is http://wichita.edu

What is Wichita State University's phone number?

Wichita State University's phone number is +1 (316) 978-xxxx

How many email formats does Wichita State University use?

Wichita State University uses 7 email formats

How many employees work at Wichita State University?

Approximately 5,140 employees work at Wichita State University

Where is Wichita State University located?

Wichita State University is located in 1845 Fairmount St, KS 67260