XCOR Aerospace Inc Company Information


XCOR Aerospace Inc is located in CA. XCOR Aerospace Inc mainly operate in the Guided Missiles and Space Vehicles and Parts industry. Currently they have estimated 90 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

90 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
1314 Flight Line, CA 93501
phone icon Phone Number:
+1 (661) 824-xxxx
+1 (661) 824-xxxx
industry icon Industry:

Guided Missiles and Space Vehicles and Parts

Employees at XCOR Aerospace Inc

Showing 10 of 56
Employee @xcor.com
Midland, Texas VIEW PROFILE
Vice President, Chief Engineer @xcor.com
Midland, Texas VIEW PROFILE
Coo and Vice President, Business Development @xcor.com +1 (617) 899-xxxx Dallas, Texas VIEW PROFILE
Vice President, Finance and Administration @xcor.com
Austin, Texas VIEW PROFILE
Communications and Youth Outreach, Associate @xcor.com
Los Angeles, California VIEW PROFILE
President, Co-Founder, Ceo @xcor.com
Midland, Texas VIEW PROFILE
Principal Engineer and Director Of Engineering @xcor.com +1 (661) 824-xxxx Midland, Texas VIEW PROFILE
Electrical Engineer @xcor.com
Lancaster, California VIEW PROFILE
Test Stand Engineer @ge.com
Los Angeles, California VIEW PROFILE
Summer Mechanical Engineering Intern @xcor.com
Midland, Texas
Vice President, Chief Engineer
Midland, Texas
Coo and Vice President, Business Development
Dallas, Texas
Vice President, Finance and Administration
Austin, Texas
Communications and Youth Outreach, Associate
Los Angeles, California
President, Co-Founder, Ceo
Midland, Texas
Principal Engineer and Director Of Engineering
Midland, Texas
Electrical Engineer
Lancaster, California
Test Stand Engineer
Los Angeles, California
Summer Mechanical Engineering Intern

Frequently Asked Questions About XCOR Aerospace Inc

What is XCOR Aerospace Inc's website address?

XCOR Aerospace Inc's website address is http://www.xcor.com

What is XCOR Aerospace Inc's phone number?

XCOR Aerospace Inc's phone number is +1 (661) 824-xxxx

How many employees work at XCOR Aerospace Inc?

Approximately 90 employees work at XCOR Aerospace Inc

Where is XCOR Aerospace Inc located?

XCOR Aerospace Inc is located in 1314 Flight Line, CA 93501